How can we obtain the full text of paper that is not on CiNii Research, CiNii Books, CiNii Dissertations?

CiNii Research, CiNii Books, CiNii Dissertations do not provide the full text of papers If there are no "CiNii Fulltext Link" icons in search results or detailed information pages.
Since NII does not offer any photocopy or delivery services, users should try the following methods:

(1) If you are affiliated with a university, etc.:

Please consult a librarian at your university's library.
Libraries usually have ILL (Inter-Library Loan) service.

(2) If you are not affiliated with any institutions:     

  1. In the case that the search result displays " NDL" in "Data Source:":
    There is a [NDL ONLINE] link button on the Article details page. If you are registered as a user of National Diet Library (NDL), you can request for the photo duplication from its linked page. Please ask about the details and how to become a member to NDL directly.

  2. When "CiNii books" icon appears on the search result page:
    CiNii Books leads to the detailed information of the libraries that hold the journal in question.
    Please click "CiNii books" icon to view the journal information.
    You can see the list of university libraries in "university library holdings" on the middle of a screen.
    Clicking a library name enables you to check details about use of the library. Also, clicking on the "OPAC" button next to a library name will take you to OPAC of the library.

    *Please note that to find the journal you need the following:

    ○Please confirm on Webcat Plus that the library has the volume and issue you need.

    ○Please contact the library by phone or email before visiting.
    In some cases the journal may not be available or the library may require prior notice before a visit.