Notification of Changes to Conditions of Provision of Content

The conditions of provision of content for the following journals will be change from April 1, 2009.

New Conditions of Provision List
For details about conditions of provision, see here.

[Change to Open Access]
Organization Journal Title Range Provision conditions Charges per article (JPY)
Members of the organization Non-members PPV
Information Science and Technology Association (INFOSTA) UDC information All Open Access      
The journal of Information Science and Technology Association All Open Access
[Eliminate embargo]
Organization Journal Title Range Provision conditions Charges per article (JPY)
Members of the organization Non-members PPV
Japan Industrial Management Association Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association All Open Access      
Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association All Open Access      
Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function The Journal of Japanese Society of Stomatognathic Function All Open Access
[Open Access is added]
Organization Journal Title Range Provision conditions Charges per article (JPY)
Members of the organization Non-members PPV
Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology Species diversity For up to 3 year(s) after issue Fixed-price OK 0 262 735
After 3 year(s) or more Open Access
タクサ : 日本動物分類学会誌 For up to 3 year(s) after issue Fixed-price OK 0 262 735
After 3 year(s) or more Open Access
動物分類学会会報 For up to 3 year(s) after issue Fixed-price OK 0 262 735
After 3 year(s) or more Open Access
動物分類學會會務報告 For up to 3 year(s) after issue Fixed-price OK 0 262 735
After 3 year(s) or more Open Access
動物分類学会誌 For up to 3 year(s) after issue Fixed-price OK 0 262 735
After 3 year(s) or more Open Access
【Not available is added】
Organization Journal Title Range Provision conditions Charges per article (JPY)
Members of the organization Non-members PPV
The Japanese Association for Crystal Growth (JACG) Journal of the Japanese Association of Crystal Growth For up to 1 year(s) after issue Not available
After 1 year(s) or more Open Access
Japanische Gesellschaft fur Germanistik (JGG) Neue Beitraege zur Germanistik For up to 2 year(s) after issue Not available
After 2 year(s) or more Fixed-price OK
[Open Access is added , Eliminate embargo]
Organization Journal Title Range Provision conditions Charges per article (JPY)
Members of the organization Non-members PPV
The Japan Society of Cookery Science Journal of cookery science of Japan For up to 1 year(s) after issue Fixed-price OK 577 577 1050
After 1 year(s) or more Open Access
Science of Cookery For up to 1 year(s) after issue Fixed-price OK 577 577 1050
After 1 year(s) or more Open Access
[Change to Open Access]
Organization Journal Title Range Provision conditions Charges per article (JPY)
Members of the organization Non-members PPV
The Japan Association of Collage English Teachers (JACET) JACET bulletin For up to 1 year(s) after issue Not available      
After 1 year(s) or more Open Access
JACET journal For up to 1 year(s) after issue Not available      
After 1 year(s) or more Open Access
JACET bulletin For up to 1 year(s) after issue Not available
After 1 year(s) or more Open Access
[Change to Fixed-price OK]
Organization Journal Title Range Provision conditions Charges per article (JPY)
Members of the organization Non-members PPV
Information Science and Technology Association (INFOSTA) The journal of Information Science and Technology Association For up to 1 month(s) after issue Not available
For up to 6 month(s) after 1 month(s) Fixed-price OK 0 577 1050
After 6 month(s) or more Open Access
[Charges per article (JPY) is Change]
Organization Journal Title Range Provision conditions Charges per article (JPY)
Members of the organization Non-members PPV
The Physical Society of Japan (JPS) Journal of the Physical Society of Japan For up to 1 month(s) after issue Not available
After 1 month(s) or more Paid 2100 2100 2572
[Change Range of provision]
Organization Journal Title Range Provision conditions Charges per article (JPY)
Members of the organization Non-members PPV
Publication Office, Progress of Theoretical Physics Progress of heoretical physics Vol.1,No.1(1946)-
Paid 1102 1102 1575
Vol.119,No.1(2008) or more Fixed-price OK
Soryushiron Kenkyu Soryushiron Kenkyu For up to 2 year(s) after issue Paid 0 367 840
After 2 year(s) or more Open Access
Bussei Kenkyu Bussei Kenkyu For up to 2 year(s) after issue Paid 0 367 840
After 2 year(s) or more Open Access