Notice of renewal procedure of Institution authentication service

The renewal procedure is not required if you continue to use Institution authentication.
We would appreciate it if you would confirm whether your registered information isn't difference, or not.

1. How to confirm or correct your registered information

Please confirm following the below, and correct data if needed.

  1. Login into the Administrator login Page with the administrator ID.

  2. Choose "Change institution data"

  3. View of "Change institution data"

2. Termination procedure period

By Thursday, March 22, 2018
Institution authentication service will be continued if you don't take procedure by this period.
Please take procedure following the below. It’s not necessary the application form.

  1. Login into the Administrator login Page with the administrator ID.
    ・Administrator ID is not the same as CiNii Individual ID
    ・Your administrator ID is stated in the notification that has been sent to the contact person when the contract started.

  2. Click “Usage termination application”

  3. Click ”Register”

  4. The procedure is complete when “Usage termination of Institution authentication” page is displayed.
    ・Confirmation e-mail will be sent to the contact person’s e-mail address.

Please take this procedure after April 1, 2018 if you terminate after March 23, 2018.