CiNii Books - User Guide - Author Search By Keywords

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A Search for authors

A-1. Simple search

Author search is searching for author information by entering a keyword.

  • Keyword field

    • The search is as the partial match.
    • Multiple keywords may be entered, each keyword separated by spaces (both English half-width spaces and Japanese full-width spaces are acceptable). In this situation, the spaces act as "AND" and all keywords are searched for.Please refer to [A-2 . Complex search] for more information on the logic operation.
    • If numbers (numeric characters) are used as keywords, either both English single-byte characters and Japanese double-byte characters are acceptable.
    Search Example

    Search for author name "Adachi"

    Enter as below, and then click the search button.

A-2. Complex search

  • Multiple keywords may be entered, each keyword separated by spaces (both English half-width spaces and Japanese full-width spaces are acceptable). Specify the logic operation using "Combination of keywords". To search for a string that includes spaces, enclose the string in double quotes (").
    Example: Inputting "information processing" returns search results for records containing "computer information processing" and "information processing society", excluding those records that contain "processing and information" and "information on processing".
  • To search for terms that include part of a word, use an asterisk.
    Example: Inputting work* returns search results for records containing "worker" and "working", excluding those records that contain "homework".
  • Boolean search
    • Boolean searches (AND,OR,NOT) can be run like the following.

    • Search using "AND"・・・・Search for records containing all entered keywords. Specify using spaces (English half-width spaces and Japanese full-width spaces) (Excluding codes and Ids fields) or "_&_".
      Example: Inputting "information digital", "information AND digital" or " information & digital" returns search results for records containing both "information" and "digital".
    • Search using "OR"・・・・Search for records containing any of the entered keywords. Specify using "_OR_"(OR is written in English half-width characters and capital letters) or "_|_".
      Example: Inputting "information OR digital" or "information | digital" returns search results for records containing either "information ", "digital" or both.
    • Search using "NOT"・・・・Search for records containing the entered keyword(s) but excluding the keyword after NOT. Specify using "_NOT_" (NOT is written in English half-width characters and capital letters) or "_-".
      Example: Inputting "information NOT digital" or "information -digital" returns search results for records containing "information", excluding those records that contain "digital".
    • Priority of Boolean search using parentheses・・・・You can specify priority of Boolean search using parentheses.
      Example1: Inputting "Adachi NOT (Takeda AND Aizawa)" returns search results for records containing "Adachi", excluding those records that both contain "Takeda" and "Aizawa". Search results contain "Adachi Takeda", "Adachi Aizawa", not "Adachi Takeda Aizawa".
      Example2: Inputting "(Adachi NOT Takeda) AND Aizawa" returns search results for records containing both "Adachi" excluding those records that contain "Takeda", and containin "Aizawa". Search results contain "Adachi Aizawa", not "Adachi Takeda", "Takeda Aizawa".

B Clear keywords

There is not a clear button on top page. In the case of varying keywords, please delete the keywords by using keyboard, including Delete key or BackSpace key. In addition, if you click CiNii banner located in the upper left portion, you will return to the top page of Book & Journal Search with no keywords and thereby clearing all fields.