よくある質問 - 外部システムとの連携について

Yes. CiNii is able to be linked to other websites and systems using OpenURL as follows:

(1) Institutions with fixed-price contracts are able to set links between their OPAC, systems such as link resolvers (a system that links article information in a database to library OPACs or full text resources) and CiNii Research by using OpenURL.
CiNii is compatible with OpenURL 1.0 and 0.1.
*Note: Only the administrators of the institutions with fixed-price contracts are able to set such links.
For details, see: About the OpenURL Sending Function.

(2) Describing a link in the OpenURL format enables links between each record on CiNii to link resolvers, etc.
For details, see: About the OpenURL Receiving Function for CiNii Research, About the OpenURL Receiving Function for CiNii Books.

Users can set links between CiNii and their OPACs by using NCID, ISSN, ISBN.

*This function is for only for institutions using the institutions authentication. Administrators can set it from the settings page for institutions.
For more details, see "About the OpenURL Sending Function".

Libraries connected to the online cataloging system (NACSIS-CAT) are able to set and display a link to their OPACs on CiNii Books by adding the data to information on connected library of NACSIS-CAT database, if their OPAC can receive NCID as a parameter.

For details, please check the page below.
"I cannot click on the "OPAC" button".

All of the information provided by CiNii Research, CiNii Books, CiNii Dissertations bibliographic can be imported by BibTex and Endnote.

However, cooperation with bibliographic management software is possible on the search results and details display screen of research data, articles, books, and doctoral dissertations. It cannot be done on the search results of “Search All”.