1. Click the "Sign up" link
2. Click "Apply for the Individual ID"
3. Agreement with Academic Content Service Usage Regulations / CiNii Articles Usage Detailed Regulations
- Academic Content Service Usage Regulations(PDF) - CiNii Articles Usage Detailed Regulations (PDF)
4. Enter your email address
- An email with a web link (URL) for usage application will be sent to the email address that you registered. Please enter the address which you can receive surely.
5. Click the web link (URL) that is in the email
- Please access within 24 hours. The URL is only valid for 24 hours.
6. Enter the required items under User data entry (individual ID)
7. Confirm the user data
8. Registration completed
- Registration number and user ID are displayed on the screen at the end of registration. Please copy this information for your personal reference.
9. E-mail confirming regsitered information is sent.
- As soon as registration is complete, the system will automatically send and email comfirming the registered information. Please confirm that the information in the email is correct.
- User ID can be used immediately after registration is complete.