NII service will be stopped due to electrical equipment maintenance in 2016 [updated 16:00 on Nov. 30, 2016, JST]

Thank you for using content services of NII.

NII services will be stopped due to electrical equipment maintenance. Unavailable hours of each service are the following.

◎Available Services
■ Content Services
 □ JAIRO Cloud

◎Stop Services
■ Content Services
 These content services will unavailable from 9:00 on Dec. 3 to 20:30 on Dec. 4, JST
 □ CiNii Articles
 □ CiNii Books
 □ CiNii Dissertations

※From 17:00 on December 2 (Fri.) to 9:00 on December 3 (Sat.), and from 20:30 on December 4 (Sun.) to 9:00 on December 5 (Mon.) [JST]:
 Services of Log-in, Veiw of paid and subscription contents, and Inquiry by "Inquiry form" will be stopped.
 Search, and View of open access contents will be available as usual.
 And Data update on December 3 (Sat.) and 4 (Sun.) will not be processed.[updated 16:00 on Nov. 30, 2016, JST]

■ Content Services
 These content services will unavailable from 17:00 on Dec. 2 to 9:00 on Dec. 5, JST
 □ KAKEN - Database of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
 □ NII-DBR - Academic Research Database Repository
 □ NII-REO - Repository of Electronic Journals and Online Publications
 □ NII-Electronic Library Service
 □ Researcher Name Resolver
 □ CiNii Web API User Registration

■ Japanese Institutional Repositories Online (JAIRO)
 This service will unavailable from 17:00 on Dec. 2 to 9:00 on Dec. 5, JST
■ Informatics Square
 This service will unavailable from 15:00 on Dec. 3 to 9:00 on Dec. 5, JST

 These services will unavailable from 18:00 on Dec. 2 to 9:00 on Dec. 5, JST
 □ NACSIS-CAT/ILL Business use Server, NACSIS-CAT/ILL Retrieval Server, NACSIS-CAT/ILL Educational Server
 □ WebUIP Service, NACSIS-CAT/ILL Q&A Database, NACSIS-CAT Z39.50 Gateway etc.

■ ERDB-JP - Electronic Resources Database-JAPAN
 This service will unavailable from 18:00 on Dec. 2 to 9:00 on Dec. 5, JST