Notification of Changes to Conditions of Provision of Content

The conditions of provision of content for the following journals will be change from April 1, 2008.
New Conditions of Provision List
For details about conditions of provision, see here.

[Change to Open Access]
Organization Journal Title Range Provision conditions Charges per article (JPY)
Members of the organization Non-members PPV
The Society of Hard Tissue Biology Journal of Hard Tissue Biology All Open Access
Journal of Hard Tissue Biology All Open Access
Japan Welding Society Journal of the Japanese Welding Society All Open Access
Journal of the Japan Welding Society For up to 2 month(s) after issue Not available (new)
After 2 month(s) or more Open Access
Japan Society for the Study of Office Automation (The japan Society foe Management Infoemation ) Office Automation For up to 6 month(s) after issue Not available
After 6 month(s) or more Open Access
情報系 : OA学会論集 For up to 6 month(s) after issue Not available
After 6 month(s) or more Open Access
Journal of Information and Management For up to 6 month(s) after issue Not available
After 6 month(s) or more Open Access
[Eliminate embargo]
Organization Journal Title Range Provision conditions Charges per article (JPY)
Members of the organization Non-members PPV
Society of Biomechanisms Japan (SOBIM) バイオメカニズム All Open Access
The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ) Tetsu- to- Hagane All Open Access
[Change from Fixed-price to Open Access]
Organization Journal Title Range Provision conditions Charges per article (JPY)
Members of the organization Non-members PPV
Information Science and Technology Association (INFOSTA) UDC Information For up to 1 month(s) after issue Not available (new)
After 1 month(s) or more Paid
After 6 month(s) or more Open Access
The Journal of Information Science and Technology Association For up to 1 month(s) after issue Not available (new)
After 1 month(s) or more Paid
After 6 month(s) or more Open Access
The Journal of Information Science and Technology Association For up to 1 month(s) after issue Not available (new)
After 1 month(s) or more Paid
After 6 month(s) or more Open Access
[Partially stop Open Access]
Organization Journal Title Range Provision conditions Charges per article (JPY)
Members of the organization Non-members PPV
Volcanological Society of Japan Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan(Vol 50, Issue 特集) All Fixed-price OK 367 367 840
[Stop Open Access]
Organization Journal Title Range Provision conditions Charges per article (JPY)
Members of the organization Non-members PPV
Institute of Chinese Affairs 中国研究月報 For up to 1 year(s) after issue Not available (new)
After 1 year(s) or more Fixed-price OK
[Embargo will become long]
Organization Journal Title Range Provision conditions Charges per article (JPY)
Members of the organization Non-members PPV
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Journal of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers For up to 1 year(s) after issue Not available (new)
After 1 year(s) or more Open Access
Reliability Engineering Association of Japan (REAJ) Proceedings of ... Reliability Symposium : The Journal of Reliability Engineering Association of Japan For up to 1 year(s) after issue Not available
After 1 year(s) or more Open Access
The Journal of Reliability Engineering Association of Japan For up to 1 year(s) after issue Not available
After 1 year(s) or more Open Access
[Change Range of provision]
Organization Journal Title Range Provision conditions Charges per article (JPY)
Members of the organization Non-members PPV
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement Supplement of Progress of Theoretical Physics All Paid 1102 1102 1575
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement For up to 3 month(s) after issue Fixed-price OK 367 367 840
After 3 month(s) or more Paid 1102 1102 1575
Progress of Theoretical Physics For up to 12 year(s) after issue Fixed-price OK 367 367 840
After 12 year(s) or more Paid 1102 1102 1575
Vol 95, Issue 4 Paid 1102 1102 1575
Vol 95, Issue 5 Paid 1102 1102 1575
Vol 95, Issue 6 Paid 1102 1102 1575
Vol 96, Issue 1 Paid 1102 1102 1575
Vol 96, Issue 2 Paid 1102 1102 1575
Vol 96, Issue 3 Paid 1102 1102 1575
Vol 96, Issue 4 Paid 1102 1102 1575
Vol 96, Issue 5 Paid 1102 1102 1575
Vol 96, Issue 6 Paid 1102 1102 1575
Vol 97, Issue 1 Fixed-price OK 367 367 850
Vol 97, Issue 2 Fixed-price OK 367 367 850
Vol 97, Issue 3 Fixed-price OK 367 367 850
Vol 97, Issue 4 Fixed-price OK 367 367 850
Vol 97, Issue 5 Fixed-price OK 367 367 850
Vol 97, Issue 6 Fixed-price OK 367 367 850
Vol 98, Issue 1 Fixed-price OK 367 367 850
Vol 98, Issue 2 Fixed-price OK 367 367 850
Vol 98, Issue 3 Fixed-price OK 367 367 850
Vol 98, Issue 4 Fixed-price OK 367 367 850
Vol 98, Issue 5 Fixed-price OK 367 367 850
Vol 98, Issue 6 Fixed-price OK 367 367 850
Vol 99, Issue 1 Fixed-price OK 367 367 850
Vol 99, Issue 2 Fixed-price OK 367 367 850
Vol 99, Issue 3 Fixed-price OK 367 367 850

(Name of organizations changed)
The names of the following 3 organizations have been changed.

・The Magnetics Society of Japan (MSJ) ⇒ (new) The Magnetics Society of Japan
・Japan Society for the Study of Office Automation ⇒ (new) The Japan Society for Management Information
・Japanese Society of Medical Instrumentation ⇒ (new) Japanese Society of Medical Instrumentation

(Content to be expanded)
The following 4 journals will expand their contents.
・ Bulletin of Japanese Society for Science of Design  43(5) -  ⇒ 1(1) -
・ Special issue of Japanese Society for Science of Design  4(3) -  ⇒1(1) -
・ Annual design review of Japanese Society for the Science of Design  3(3) -  ⇒ 1 -
・ Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSSD  (44) - ⇒ 1 -