System modifications to CiNii Books from its launch to now.

Since the launch in November 9, 2011, the following modifications have been made to CiNii Books.
We continue to improve the service and appreciate your feedback.

Date Changes
November 17, 2011
  • In Advanced search, required fields were eliminated, and it is now possible to specify only Classification, Subject Headings, or Note.
December 8, 2011
  • In Advanced search, users are now able to search by specifying ISSN and ISBN without a hyphen.
  • Links which search materials that have same Subject Headings, Classification started to be displayed in the book details page.
  • The holding list is now sorted by Japanese yomigana order (pronunciation, ordered from A-Z to あーん) of the library name in the book or journal details page.
  • Abbreviation and Organization ID started to be displayed in the library details page.
December 15, 2011
  • For API users: It became possible to return RDF by judging from HTTP header without specifying its URL.
    In the book or journal details page (example: ), author details page, and library details page, if a priority of "application/rdf+xml", "application/*", or "application" is higher than others in the Accept field of a HTTP request header, it leads to URL of RDF. (Only CiNii Books)
December 22, 2011
  • In Advanced search by specifying ISBN, inputting 10 digit ISBN, users can also get search result of 13 digit.
January 25, 2012
  • In Advanced search by specifying Classification, it became possible to perform a prefix search by putting asterisk (*) after words.