Links from CiNii to full text documents on The Japanese Agricultural Sciences Index (JASI) run by The Tsukuba Office, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Conuncil Secreraiat has been added.
If you see the button such as "Japanese Agricultural Sciences Index" or on the search result window or article details window of CiNii, they lead you to fulltext of Japanese Agricultural Sciences Index.
The Japanese Agricultural Sciences Index (JASI) is one of the databases on AGROPEDIA which is the integrated portal site for agriculture, forestry and fisheries research run byThe Tsukuba Office, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Conuncil Secreraiat. By JASI you can search for bibliographic information for articles published in agriculture-related scholarly journals in Japan. It mainly collects research papers published by independent administrative institution or municipal agriculture, forestry and fisheries research centers, etc. and also partial full text PDF are available.
CiNii incorporates these articles which has full text documents as search target.
For details about the service, please see the following websites.
JASI - Japanese Agricultural Sciences Index
Displays the "IR" in the database column on the articles details page.
At this point, author information of JASI is not included in author-search service.