CiNii Dissertations is now available

We are pleased to announce that "CiNii Dissertations" was launched on June 11, 2015.

 Doctor theses after April, 2013 are obligated to publish on the Internet by the revised degree regulations.
 The survey for thesis was complicated and its result was uncertain, because a university had published it on each place.
 CiNii Dissertations is service that you can search unitarily and navigates you to your target thesis.

Feature of CiNii Dissertations
  • Interface is common to CiNii

     Fig.1: Front page of CiNii Dissertations

     Search your target thesis.

     Fig.2: Search Results

     Clicking the icon in the red frame, you can access an article which has been published on "National Diet Library Digital Collections (Doctoral Dissertations)" or "Institutional Repositories of each university".
     The range of publication depends on the article.

     Fig.3: Article Details Page

  • Search in detail specialized in doctor thesis

     The refine search is possible by "University" or "Kind of academic degree", etc...

     Fig.4: Advanced Search Page

Incorporated content
 Link of "National Diet Library" and "Institutional Repositories of each university" allows users to search unitarily for comprehensively collected doctor theses.
Database Providing Institution Content Coverage
NDL-OPAC National Diet Library

◎Bibliographic information only

Domestic doctoral dissertations of whole belonging materials of National Diet Library.

Approx. 0.6 million items
NDL Digital Collection National Diet Library

◎Full text documents

◎Table of contents

◎Limited access :Available Online/Available only at the NDL and partner libraries/Available only at the NDL

・Doctoral dissertations, received by the NDL between FY1991-FY2000, are digitized.

・The NDL has acquired electronic doctoral dissertations for which degrees were conferred in or after April 2013.

Approx. 0.13 million items
Institutional Repository Universities, etc.

◎Full text documents

◎Partial abstracts

Institutional Repository is an archive system by research institutions, such as universities, in order to collect, accumulate and disclose their products for free.

The National Institute of Informatics also offers an integrated search service of domestic institutional repositories, JAIRO. If there are dissertations on institutional repositories, it can be searched with CiNii Dissertations.

Approx. 0.13 million items
 as at June 11, 2015.

 For more details on the usage, please visit CiNii Dissertations Help.