We are pleased to announce that CiNii Books started data linkages with "Database of Pre-Modern Japanese Works" on Friday, October 27, 2017.
The search results page of CiNii Books is added the link to "Database of Pre-Modern Japanese Works". It can directly access its digitized full text images, as far as the data is also registered in CiNii Books.
See page "press release (Japanese only)" for details.
*Database of Pre-Modern Japanese Works:https://kotenseki.nijl.ac.jp/?ln=en
National Institute of Japanese Literature (NIJL) constructs “Database of Pre-Modern Japanese Works” under Large-scale academic frontier promotion project “Project to Build an International Collaborative Research Network for Pre-modern Japanese Texts (NIJL-NW project)” working with NII, domestic and overseas universities and research institutes centering on NIJ. With Bibliography accumulated in NIJL and digital images of early Japanese books collected in domestic and overseas institutes, it is the only portal site which everyone can search high-definition images in various ways on the Internet.