As of January 15, 2007, CiNii has made the following upgrades that make linking to other websites and systems (library OPACs, Link Resolvers, etc.) easier.
Article URL is now permanent (Permalink)
The URL format has been changed in order to make linking to certain article information easier.
Moreover, if a record is identified with another record and its NII article ID (NAID) has changed, a dead link will no longer be created; instead a new integrated record will be automatically displayed.
- - Detailed article information (Japanese)
-<NII Article ID(NAID)>/
- ex.
- - Detailed article information (English)
-<NII Article ID(NAID)>/en/
- ex.
OpenURL (see NOTE 1) receiving function
OpenURL receiving function has been added. Describing a link in the OpenURL format enables links to particular articles and journal information or search results.
For details, see: About OpenURL Receiving Function (in Japanese).
If you wish to process CiNii within your system or program, please inform the NII in advance. We will contact you with the required procedures.
Link setting for institutions
Institutions with fixed-price contracts are able to set links between CiNii and their OPAC, or systems such as Link Resolvers (see NOTE 2) by using OpenURL.
If an institution has set links, users who have logged in with a Site License Individual ID or have accessed CiNii from their institution will see icons to the links in the search results page and detailed article information page. By clicking the icon, information on full text documents that are available in the institution and library holdings will be displayed.
For details, see: To set links to OpenURL or OPAC, etc.(in Japanese)
* NOTE 1: OpenURL is a standard description format for transmitting data such as articles, books and journal information in the URL format between systems.
For more information about OpenURL, see:
ANSI/NISO Z39.88 -2004 The OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services
OpenURL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* NOTE 2: Link Resolver is a system that links article information in a database to library OPACs or full text resources. It generally has a linking function using OpenURL. Major products include S・F・X, ArticleLinker, and SwetsWise Linker. For more information about Link Resolver, please see:-KATAOKA, Shin. (2006) "OpenURL Link Resolver Solution and its Influence on Academic Portals : An Introduction of "Cute LinQ" at Kyushu University Library." Information Science and Technology Association (INFOSTA). 56.(1.): 32-37.
NOTE: English "Help" has not been updated yet. We apologize for the delay.