Following two new functions are available now.
- Author page redirect function.
We have been made inconvenience that the original Author Details Page (ex. ) was deleted when the author was identified to another, so you couldn't access.
To resolve this access error, we set this redirect function. (Article details page has already this redirect function.)
As CiNii has feedback system, when you find failure information you can feedback immediately on our website.
We have been given so many feedbacks mainly about author identification, so we really appreciate your corporation.
- Adds and changes of data items.
- Change of NDL Japanese Periodicals Index ID.
CiNii incorporated data from Japanese Periodicals Index of National Diet Library. We had been displayed "Japanese Periodicals Index ID" (9 or 10 digits) for those data's ID on the Article Details Page. But we have changed it to "Article ID" ("NDL Article ID" in CiNii, 7 or 8 digits) that is more permanent.
Please refer to the page below for more details about IDs of NDL.
National Diet Library : NDL-OPAC User Guide (Japanese)
- We add more items for output content of the RDF of article details information.(For API Users)
Here are the additional items.- NAID (Article ID number of CiNii)
- NCID (NACSIS-CAT bibliography ID of the journal)
- Article Language code
- Original database code
- Full Text Condition
- Original database code
- Links to other resources
- URL of article's thumbnail
- Change of NDL Japanese Periodicals Index ID.