CiNii Articles - User Guide - Feedback Page

Check the search result

When you report the same person, please check authors which seem to be the same person. After that, click "go" button to move to Feedback page.

About Feedback Page

Page to point out the problems of the information of articles or authors.

Please enter the information and select the following items.

Name Your name, Required item
E-mail address Your E-mail address, Required item
Article or Name Author name and ID, article name and ID will be displayed.
Suggestion Select one of the following items from a pull-down menu.

・Unify these author names
Select this when several authors are expected to be the same person.

・Unify these articles
Select this when several articles are expected to be the same one.

・Edit author detail
Select this when the information of the author needs to be modified.
Please enter the content of modification in the "detail" space below.

・Edit article detail
Select this when the information of the article needs to be modified.
Please enter the content of modification in the "detail" space below.

In the case except the above, choose this.
Please enter the content of modification in the "detail" space below.
Detail Please enter details of contents of modification.

Please check the content and click "submit" button. The information will be sent to NII.

Click "cancel" button to stop pointing out. You will go back to the previous page by clicking it.