Author Search Results
The search results can be viewed by anyone free of charge. The following is an explanation of the author search results page.
A View search results / jump to different page
- Displays the number of records that matching the input keyword(s).
- Navigate search results displayed on multiple pages (next page, previous page, first page, final page).
- Displays the search conditions input on the previous page for confirmation purposes.
Search conditions: search field (keyword) (multiple keywords)
Example: search conditions:Kokujo Taro
B Select the operation
- Open in New Windows
Detailed pages of all books and journals selected by checking the checkbox would be displayed in new tabs or windows of web browser. - Report the same author
Checking the checkbox will take you to Feedback page for reporting the same person in search results.
C Change display order
Displays the current search results in a different order.
Please note that this only changes the order of the current display. It is not for specifying the display order for a refined search.
Author Name (A-Z) ・・・ Sorts by author name in ascending order of character code.
Author Name (Z-A) ・・・ Sorts by author name in descending order of character code.
No. of Articles (descending) ・・・ Sorts by number of times the article, with the highest number at the top.
D View simplified information
- 〈Format〉
Author name CiNii Author ID
affiliated institution(Source year)
research fieldsMatch No. Number of CiNii collection articles
Article title(Three or less)

D-1 Author name
Clicking the Author displays the details screen.
D-2 CiNii collection articles
The author writes, and all or parts of the article collected to CiNii Articles are displayed.
E Jump to different search method
E-1 Switch to Article Search and Full Text Search
Clicking on the tab of "Article Search" and a "Full Text Search" will change a search method.
E-2 Switch Change to CiNii Books/CiNii Dissertations
Clicking on "Books" / "Dissertations" button at the upper left of the screen can change to CiNii Books/CiNii Dissertations.
Clicking on "Articles" or "CiNii logo" of the upper left on the screen will take you back to the CiNii Articles top page.