About Book & Journal Details Page
The information displayed for books and journals is different.
1. Book Details Page2. Journal Details Page
A Book title / Author information
You can see the Book title and Author name. Clicking on the author name linked to the author information on CiNii Books, enables you to see the Author information. Also, if the book is in a series, the link to the series information is displayed.
B Bibliographic Information
You can see the title, author name, series title (series number), publisher, publication year, edition, volume/number, format, other titles, uniform title and title transcription in Japanese Kana.
C Access to Electronic Resource
Link button to full text page of database cooperating with CiNii Books is displayed.
ERDB-JP | Link to full text page of books registered in ERDB-JP |
Union Catalogue Database of Japanese Texts | Link to digitized full text image of Union Catalogue Database of Japanese Texts constructed by the National Institute of Japanese Literature. |
National Diet Library Digital Collections | Link to full text page published on National Diet Library Digital Collections |
HathiTrust Digital Library | Link to full text page digitized and published by HathiTrust Digital Library |
Comprehensive Database of Archaeological Site Reports in Japan | Link to downloadable excavation report of Comprehensive Database of Archaeological Site Reports in Japan |
KinoDen | This is academic Japanese ebooks library service provided by KINOKUNIYA. To link to KinoDen, you need to set up in "Institutional authentication: Usage application". Refer to the FAQ below for how to set it up. The link icon to KinoDen is not displayed |
JapanKnowledge | This is online database provided by NetAdvance contains the vast amount of knowledge information with some of Japan's leading encyclopedias and dictionaries. |
Maruzen eBook Library | This is an e-book distribution service for institutions provided by Maruzen-Yushodo. |
Medical*Online | This is a one-stop service that provides a variety of information, with domestic medical journals and e-books as the base provided by Meteo. |
D Holding Libraries
You can see the holding libraries and its total number.
- List of Holding libraries
- The function of refining the search for Holding libraries
You can see library name, location in the university, volume/number and call number in the list.
Clicking on the green OPAC icon will show you the page of the books in OPAC of the library in another window, and enables you to see more detailed information.
Only 10 libraries of the lists are displayed. If you click on "Show All Holding Libraries", you can see all libraries. To go back, click on "Show a Part".
For CiNii Institution authentication user institution, your library is preferentially displayed. By checking "Remember Lib. ID / Org. ID / Area" when you search, your refine search will be applicable.
You can refine the search for Holding libraries by location and ILL availability.
・refine the search by location | ・refine the search by ILL participating type. |
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Checking "OPAC links" enables you to refine the search for only libraries which have a direct link to OPAC in Holding libraries.
E Search this Book/Journal
External link to other sites of books and journal information. The following are displayed.Setup link( link resolver and other library service) by each institutions can be displayed. (OpenURL links only).
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NDL search | Link to NDL search. Clicking on the icon will open the result page of NDL search. * It will be displayed on the Japanese (a language code is jpn) data only |
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Calil | Link to Calil. Clicking on the icon will open the information page of books and journals of Calil in another window. Calil is a service which enables you to search for the information about holdings and circulations of libraries in Japan easily. |
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WorldCat | Link to WorldCat. Clicking on the icon will open the books information page of WorldCat in another window. |
H Related Books
If the item is a part of series, a link to the series information will be displayed.
If the item is a series record, links to the list of books which are included in the series will be displayed.
I Share
An books and journals information can be shared with X and Facebook. Besides, a number of posts and click "like button" will be displayed.
K Details
Detailed data, etc. related to the book. The following items are displayed.
NII bibliography ID(NCID) | NACSIS-CAT bibliography ID of the Book. |
ISBN | ISBN of Books |
Country Code | The country where the book was published is displayed. Please refer to the country code table. |
Title Language Code | The language used for the title is displayed. Please refer to the title language code table. |
Text Language Code | The language used for the text is displayed. Please refer to the text language code table. |
Place of publication | The place where the book was published is displayed. |
Pages/Volumes | The total number of pages or the number of volumes are displayed. |
Size | The size of the book is displayed. |
Classification | NDC:Nippon Decimal Classification NDLC:National Diet Library classification LCC:Library of Congress Classification Displays indications by each classification. Please refer to the classification code table. It links to the search results in Classification. |
Subject | BSH:Basic subject heading NDLSCH:National Diet Library subject heading LCSH:Library of Congress subject heading Subject headings such as above are displayed. Please refer to the subject heading table. It links to the search results in Subject. |
Parent Bibliography ID | Displays the Parent Bibliography ID (series title). Clicking will display a Parent Bibliography record. |
Link | Links will be displayed if there are links to e-book and e-journal. |
L Export
This is a function to be exported /displayed in document management softwares. To be exported or displayed, just click it. If it is not successful, save the data with right-click on. We offer the following formats.(Offering character encoding is UTF-8 only). ※Language of extracted bibliography data depends on its configuration. If you need a bibliography in Japanese, click the "Japanese" in the upper right, and then export the data after displaying in Japanese.
Export to RefWorks | Basic information of books and journals can be exported directly in document management softwares.*Exporting to EndNote is required to be installed plug-in. |
Export to EndNote | |
Export to Mendeley | |
Show Refer/BibIX | Basic information of books and journals can be displayed in various formats. |
Show RIS | |
Show BibTeX | |
Show TSV | |
Show ISBD |
A Journal title, Editor information
Journal title and editor are displayed. Clicking on the editor name, linked to the author information on CiNii Books, enables you to see the Author information.
If the journal title to which the item belongs is changed, the link(s) to the former/latter journal(s) will be displayed. In the CiNii Books, if there is a major change to the journal’s title, though published as the same journal, different records are created.
B Access to Electronic Journal
Link button to full text page of electronic journal is displayed.
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Link to full text page registerd in ERDB-JP、J-STAGE |
C Bibliographic Element
Title, editor name, publisher, publication start / end year, volume/number contained, annual range, classification, alias of title and title transcription are displayed.
D Access to Electronic Resource
Link button to full text page of database cooperating with CiNii Books is displayed.
F Search this Book/Journal in
Link to other information about journals. The same information as books
H Link of former/latter journal
If the journal’s title is changed/changes, the former/latter journal titles will be displayed. (For Example: Previous Journal title, Following Journal title; title which was absorbed by another journal, title which absorbed another journal; title which separated into multiple journals, title which separated from a previous journal.)
Even if published as the same journal, each title has different records in CiNii Books. When the volumes/numbers looked for are not displayed on the item, please check other items.
J Details
Detailed data, etc. about journals. Besides the same information as books, the followings are displayed.
ISSN | ISSN of journals |
Publication status | Status whether it is currently published or not. |
Frequency | Current frequency. |
Regularity | Status whether it is published regularly or not. |
Type of continuing resource | Type of continuing resource. |
CODEN | Code for identifing the journal title given by American Society for Testing and Materials or Chemical Abstracts Service (after 1975). |
Bibliographic history ID | The ID of former/latter journal is displayed if the journal’s title has been changed. (Bibliographic history is the information that has changed as a result of the journal’s title changing. Even if published as the same journal, each title has a different record in CiNii Books.) Clicking the ID leads you to a chart of its bibliographic history. |