1. Check Boxes for ‘Research Project Type’
You can select multiple research project types.
2. Input Field for ‘Review Section/Research Fields’, ‘Categories’ and ‘Institutions’
There are three input methods as follow:
- Enter a string directly in the input field
- Click ‘Find Review Section/Research Field’ etc., and select from the list of fields displayed.
- Click the link of the field etc. displayed on the search results list or the project details screen
The search condition of ‘Research Institution’ means to search for ‘all researchers involved in research projects conducted at the specified institution’.
3. Input Field for ‘Project Period (FY)’
You can search by specifying only the start or the end of the research period.
4. Input Field for ‘Total Cost (Overall)’
You can select the range of the budget amount from the pull-down menu.
5. Check Boxes for ‘Project Status’
You can select multiple statuses.
6. Input Field for ‘Keywords’
You can search by keywords information described in the reports by researchers.
7. Input Field for ‘Researcher’ Information
‘First and last name’ allows you to search for the full name exactly. In addition, if the reports contain reading (katakana) or Roman notation, you can also search using those notations.
8. Input Field for ‘Reports’
‘Report/Assessment Types’ allows you to select multiple report/assessment types.
In ‘Assessment Rating’, you can search for ‘Assessment Types’ by assessment rating (A +, A , A-, B, C) described in ‘Research Progress Assessment (Result)’, ‘Research Progress Assessment (Verification Result)’, ‘Interim Assessment (Comments)’ and ‘Ex-post Assessment (Comments)’.
Assessment Types | Drop-down Menu |
Research Progress Assessment (Result) | Assessment Results |
Research Progress Assessment (Verification Result) | Verification Results |
Interim Assessment (Comments) | Comments(Interim Assessment) |
Ex-post Assessment (Comments) | Comments (Ex-post Assessment) |
9. Input Field for ‘Research Products Information’
You can search for research projects containing research products that match your search criteria.
Research Products Type |
You can search for the research product types that are ticked. If more than one type is checked, the research products with either of those types will be included. |
Each of the following items will be searched for research projects that contain research products that also match the research product type.
Publications |
You can conduct a free word search for each bibliographic item listed in the research products to find research projects that contain the corresponding research products. |
Published in Japan/Overseas |
You can search for research projects whose research products type is either "Journal Article" or "Patents (Industrial Property Rights)" and refined the results by specifying Japan or overseas. |
Identifier |
You can search for research projects with relevant research products by using IDs such as DOIs, ISBNs, and application numbers as criteria. |
Int'l Joint Research |
You can search for research projects with research products that are "International Co-Authored Papers" (research products that are both "Journal Article" and internationally co-authored). |
Country Name |
You can search for research projects with relevant research products by using the name of the partner country listed in the research products of "International Joint Research". |
Counterpart Institution |
You can search for research projects with relevant research products by using the name of the partner institution listed in the research products of "International Joint Research". |
Year |
You can search for research projects with relevant research products by specifying the year range in the Western calendar as listed in the research products. |