KAKEN - How to Search Research Projects: Format for Search Condition

Search Units

In KAKEN system, a sequence of the same character type is recognised as a ‘word’. Some character types are searched on a word-by-word basis, and some are on a character-by-character basis.

The character types that are searched on a word-by-word basis are:

English alphabet and numerical symbols Cases and widths are ignored
Other symbols Widths are ignored with some exceptions

The character types that are searched on a character-by-character basis are:

Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji, Hangeul

Conjunctive Search

A string of words separated with a space are treated as a ‘conjunctive search’. Records in different word orders are recognised as a match.


Queries Records Match
Computer Science computer science  
  science computer  
  science of computer  
  computer sciences × As it verifies a match at a word level (i.e. ‘science’ and ‘sciences’ do not match).

In order to specify a conjunctive search, insert ‘AND’ in capital letters between words.

Inserting ‘+’ in front of a word won’t be recognised as a conjunctive search.


Queries Records Match
+computer +computer  
  #computer × The symbols do not match (i.e. ‘+’ and ‘#’).
  computer × The symbol (i.e. ‘+’) is missing.

Phrase Search

By enclosing words in double quotation marks (“ ”), you can search for a phrase in the same word order.


Queries Records Match
"Computer Science" computer science  
  science computer × The word orders are different.
  science of computer × It includes a word (i.e. ‘of’) between the words.
  computer-science × It includes a symbol (i.e. ‘-‘) between the words.

Prefix Match

By adding an asterisk (*) at the end of a word, you can search for strings with the matching prefix but with different endings.


Queries Records Match
mak* mak  
  made ×  
  remake × The prefix is different from the query.

Suffix Match

Suffix match search is not available.

Middle Match

Middle match search is not available.

Exact Match for Researcher Names

If you wish to find a string matching ‘山田一’ but excluding ‘山田一郎’, enclose the researcher’s name ‘山田一’ in the researcher search field.


Queries Records Match
山田一 山田一
  山田一郎 ×

Disjunctive Search

You can operate a ‘disjunctive search’ by inserting ‘OR’ in capital letters between words.


Queries Records Match
Computer OR Science computer science

When ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ are used in juxtaposition, written on the left logical operator will be prioritised.


Queries Records Match
red AND blue OR green red blue It recognises it as (red AND blue) OR green.
  blue ×  


If you wish to search for records that do not include a certain word, insert ‘NOT’ in capital letters followed by a space in front of the word.


Queries Records Match
gnu NOT unix gnu  
  gnu unix ×  
  linux × It does not include ‘gnu’.

Operation Using Parentheses

Operation using parentheses is not available.
Where parentheses are used, they are not treated as operators but characters. The logical operator written on the left will be prioritised.