1. Basic Information on Research Projects
- By clicking the link on ‘Review Section (or Research Field)’, you can search for research projects using the selected review section (or field) as a search condition, and display the search result screen.
- The total amount in the ‘Budget Amount’ section indicates the amount to be distributed throughout the research period.
However, the adopted projects before 2015 (Heisei 27) are handled differently. - The amount for each fiscal year in the ‘Budget Amount’ section is the tentative amount of the grant at the time of adoption.
Therefore, changes due to ‘suspension’, ‘cessation’, and the use of the ‘adjustment fund system’ are not reflected and may differ from actual allocations.
In addition, for the adopted projects before 2015 (Heisei 27), the total amount of ‘Budget Amount’ and the total amount of each fiscal year may be different. - The end period in the ‘Project Period’ section does not reflect changes due to carry-over or use of the ‘adjustment fund system’, and may differ from the actual fiscal year.
- For indirect expenses, the amount equivalent to 30% of direct expenses is described uniformly. Changes due to decline of indirect expenses are not reflected and may differ from actual allocations.
- The status of each research project indicates the following status:
- [Adopted] This is displayed for projects for which a tentative grant decision was made.
- [Granted] This is displayed for projects for which a grant was awarded.
- [Suspended] This is displayed for projects for which the application for suspension has been made due to maternity leave or childcare leave.
- [Ceased] This is displayed for projects for which the application for cessation has been made due to maternity leave or childcare leave.
- [Declined] This is displayed for projects for which the application for withdrawal has been made.
- [Discontinued] This is displayed for projects for which the application for abolishment has been made.
- [Completed] This is displayed for projects that have been completed. A project will not be completed until either ‘Annual Research Report’ of the final year or ‘Final Research Report’ is registered.
- Research project status is updated according to the separate “Annual Schedule”.
Therefore, it may take some time before the actual research project status is reflected. - Declined/discontinued projects will only be updated for the ‘Project Period’ and not for other items.
2. Links to Individual Documents
It displays every report for each fiscal year.
Where it says ‘PDF’, the original document can be displayed in PDF format. ‘Summary’ is displayed in HTML format.
3. Research Products
It displays research products for each fiscal year.
Research products include ‘journal articles’, ‘presentations’, and ‘books’, etc.
The research products on this page show information that is mechanically integrated with the research products of other research projects.