You can correlate the identifier (ORCID iD) of ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), which assigns identifiers to researchers uniformly in the world, with the identifier (NRID) based on the KAKEN Researcher Number.
Researchers who have their own researcher page can register NRID as an external identifier on their ORCID page. At the same time, a link to the ORCID page will be provided on the researcher page.
What is ORCID?
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) or ORCID, Inc. is an international organization that brings together various academic stakeholders to work on researcher identifiers.
It was established as a not-for-profit organization in Delaware, the United States, in August 2010.
Stakeholders include not only researchers themselves, but also research institutions, universities, publishers, academic societies, funding agencies, and academic information-related companies. The researcher identifiers assigned by ORCID is called ORCID iDs, and are linked with researcher profiles and publications.
By assigning a researcher identifier to a researcher, it solves the problem of name identification that was previously impossible, and makes it possible to organize scholarly information for every researcher. As a result, stakeholders from various positions can receive the benefits arising from this.
For example, the following benefits can be assumed:
- Researchers can use ORCID information when submitting a research paper, seeking a job, or applying for research funding. They will be able to place various academic records in ORCID, including peer reviews, data curation, and software development. Publishing such information through ORCID enables researchers to build research networks, such as finding new research collaborators.
- Universities and research institutions can use ORCID to evaluate the performance of own research conducted by their members. It can also be used for evaluation when recruiting. By using ORCID, these organizations can more easily identify areas of the organization's strengths and track member performance.
- Academic societies can use ORCID to reinforce their member profile information, publish their research results, and support collaboration among academic members.
- Publishers will be able to securely track authors and reviewers in the submission system. It can be used to link papers by the same author or co-authors to discover related academic achievements.
- By using ORCID IDs in the application process, funding agencies can easily obtain applicant information and simplify the process. It can also be used to evaluate individual projects during the research evaluation phase.
Integrating with ORCID
The ORCID system is intended to be integrated with various existing academic systems.
As the existing academic systems hold their own researcher’s identifier, it is necessary to link an ORCID iD with the same researcher's identifier as a basic work to exchange the information.
The ORCID system records and links the identifier of the same researcher within the external system as an external identifier by linking with an external academic system via the API. Various services will be deployed based on this associated identifier.
* For more detailed explanation, please refer to the references at the bottom of the page.
When the association with ORCID is completed, the ORCID page and the researcher page are linked to each other as follows.
- Kei Kurakawa, “Chosha no Nayose to Kenkyusha Shikibetsushi ORCID (Corresponding Authors’ Names and Researcher Identifier ORCID)”, Current Awareness, No.307, CA1740, (2011), http://current.ndl.go.jp/ca1740, (accessed 2017-08-22)
- Kei Kurakawa and Hideaki Takeda, “Kenkyusha Shikibetsushi ORCID no Torikumi (Approach to Researcher Identifier ORCID)”, Joho Kanri (Information Management), Vol. 54, No. 10, pp. 622-631, (2012), http://dx.doi.org/10.1241/johokanri.54.622, (accessed :2017-08-22)
- Kei Kurakawa and Hideaki Takeda, "Redirecting Web service for ORCID to scholarly systems via the Researcher Name Resolver", Open Repositories 2013, Poster presentation, (2013), http://or2013.net/content/redirecting-web-service-orcid-scholarly-systems-researcher-name-resolver, (accessed 2017-08-22)
How to connect your ORCID
* You must be a registered member of ORCID.
1. Click the link ‘Connect your ORCID iD’ on the upper right of the details page (right side of the researcher name).
2. Click ‘OK’ when the following dialogue is displayed.
3. The ORCID authentication screen opens in a separate tab (separate window) of the browser.
Please enter your ORCID iD or email address and password, and click ‘Authorize’.
4. After authentication with ORCID, the open tab (window) will be closed and the following dialog will be displayed on the researcher details page. Please click ‘OK’ to continue the connection, or click ‘Cancel’ to cancel.
If you click ‘OK’, the following dialog will be displayed. Please click ‘OK’ to close the dialog.
If you click ‘Cancel’, the connection will be canceled and the following dialog will be displayed. Please click ‘OK’ to close the dialog. No link to the ORCID page will be added.
5. The detail page will be reloaded, and a link to the ORCID page linked to ‘Other IDs’ will be added.
6. On the ORCID page, a link to the researcher details page will be added to ‘Other IDs’ with the label ‘Researcher Name Resolver ID: Researcher Number’.