In order to increase the usability, we have made the following improvements to some of the functions:
- Addition of ‘Refine Function’
We have added the refine function to the List of Search Results. The refining items are as follows: ‘Research Category’; ‘Allocation Type’; ‘Research Institution’; ‘Project Type’; ‘Project Period (FY)’; ‘Award Amount (Overall)’; ‘Project Status’; ‘Keywords’; and ‘Researcher’.Depending on the access load, we may adjust the number of refining items.
- Allocation Type: Addition of ‘Single-year Grant’; ‘Multi-year FundGrant’; and ‘Multi-year Partial Grant’Fund’
The system now supports search and display by ‘Allocation Type’. In line with this, the following ‘Report Type’ items have been abolished: ‘Research Status Report (Multi-year Fund)’; ‘Annual Research Report (Multi-year Fund)’; ‘Final Research Report (Multi-year Fund)’; ‘Annual Research Report (Multi-year Partial Fund)’; and ‘Final Research Report (Multi-year Partial Fund)’.
- Research Output Type: Addition of ‘Int’l Joint Research’ and ‘Funded Workshop’
This change was made corresponding to the updating of the styles of Annual / Research Status Report in 2015.
- Search within English Abstracts in Final Research Reports
Keyword Search is now available within English Abstracts.You can search from: English (English page) > Advanced Search > Research Abstract