Incorporated Databases
CiNii Research enables users to search data from a wide range of databases as shown below.
Database Name (Providing Institution) |
Database Code | Data Type | Contents |
Japan Link Center | JaLC | Articles Data |
JaLC is a service jointly operated by four Japanese academic institutions that registers DOIs for digitized academic papers, books, information accompanying papers, research data, etc., and manages them together with the location information (URL) of the contents. It provides links to the full text of the articles held by publishers. If you are eligible to view the article, you can view the full text. Data from J-STAGE and J-STAGE Data are included in JaLC papers and research data, respectively. |
Institutional Repository Database | IRDB | Articles Data |
IRDB is a database that collects and publishes the results of the members of Japanese universities and institutions. The National Institute of Informatics (NII) provides IRDB, an integrated search service for institutional repositories in Japan, and CiNii Research can be used to search for articles from the data. |
The Japanese Periodicals Index | NDL Search | Articles | In collecting domestic publications by the National Diet Library, mainly academic journals, university bulletins and specialized journals, this is the largest domestic periodicals's index incorporating data every field such as Humanities/Social Sciences, Sciences/Technologies, and Medical Sciences/ Pharmaceutical Sciences. |
National Diet Library Digital Collections | NDL Digital Collections (NII-ELS) | Articles | National Diet Library Digital Collections enables a user to search and view a variety of resources, collected and stored by the National Diet Library of Japan. |
Crossref | Crossref | Articles | CrossRef is a service operated by a non-profit organization jointly funded by scholarly publishers that centrally manages links to electronic journals. It provides links to the full text of articles held by publishers. Only the data included from other databases are displayed with links to the corresponding article information in CrossRef using the data provided by CrossRef. If you are eligible to view the article, you can view the full text. |
Ichushi Web | - | Articles | Ichushi Web offers search service for domestic medical article information published by NPO Japan Medical Abstracts Society. It contains information on articles published in Japan in periodical publications in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, and related fields. Only incorporated data from other databases, links to the article information of Ichushi Web are displayed by using a data provided by Japan Medical Abstracts Society. |
Nikkei BP Magazine Archive | Nikkei BPl | Articles | Search service for journals published by Nikkei BP. Only incorporated data from other databases, links to the full-text documents and abstracts are displayed by using a data provided by Nikkei BP. |
Japanese Agricultural Sciences Index | IRDB | Articles | This is a digitized database that started in 1970. JASI incorporates journal information of articles published in approximately 500 domestic forestry and fisheries-related academic journals. Some articles have links to external. The article data is contained in IRDB. |
IPS Digital Library | IRDB | Articles | IIPS Digital Library offers search and browse service for articles and research reports published by Information Processing Society of Japan. The article data is contained in IRDB. ※There are some paid contents. |
AIJ Archives | IRDB | Articles | AIJI Archives offers search and browse service for articles and research reports published by Architectural Institute of Japan. The article data is contained in IRDB. ※There are some paid contents. |
CiNii Articles | CiNii Articles | Articles | CiNii Articles is a database service which can search of information on academic articles published in academic society journals, university research bulletins or articles included in the National Diet Library's Japanese Periodicals Index Database and databases. It was integrated into CiNii Research on April 18, 2022. |
CiNii Books | CiNii Books | Books & Journals | CiNii Books allows you to search for information on about 11.77 million academic materials, including books, journals, and classical books, held by more than 1,300 university libraries nationwide. |
CiNii Dissertations | CiNii Dissertations | Dissertations | CiNii Dissertations is a service on which you can search for doctoral dissertations in Japan in an integrated and comprehensive manner. If the text of a doctoral dissertation is publicly available, you can view the full text by clicking on the link. |
DataCite | DataCite | Data | DataCite is an international initiative on research data, promoted by the British Library (BL) and others to register DOIs for research data on the Internet.
Only the data included from other databases are displayed with a link to the corresponding research data in DataCite, using the data provided by DataCite. If you are eligible to view the research data in question, you can view the full text. ※New entries and updates to CiNii Research are currently suspended due to functional adjustments. |
JDCat | JDCat | Data | JDCat is the abbreviation of “Japan Data Catalog for the Humanities and Social Sciences.” As a component of JSPS’s Program for Constructing Data Infrastructure for the Humanities and Social Science, this data catalog was created to allow the batch retrieval of metadata (e.g. the contents, contexts and sources of data sets) across fields of the humanities and social sciences. Metadata from the research institutions commissioned to operate this program can be retrieved in batches. |
National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics | NINJAL | Articles Data |
The National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) provides research data such as corpus. |
The Informatics Research Data Repository | IDR | Articles Data |
The Informatics Research Data Repository (IDR) is a dataset sharing service operated by the Center for Dataset Sharing and Collaborative Research (DSC) of the National Institute of Informatics (NII). The IDR accepts various types of datasets from private companies, universities, and other researchers and provides them to researchers. |
DBpedia | DBpedia | Articles Data |
DBpedia is a project to extract structured datasets from Wikipedia and republish them as linked data. |
Rikkyo University Data Archive | RUDA | Data | RUDA is a social research data archive operated by the Center for Statistics and Information (CSI) of Rikkyo University. It collects, organizes and archives social research data, which are valuable public assets, and makes them widely available for research purposes such as academic secondary analysis and for educational use in the classroom. |
Integbio Database Catalog | Integbio | Data | Integbio Database Catalog provides whereabouts information (URL), database description, biological species and other attributes (metadata) of Japanese and international life science databases to make it easier for users to find databases they need. This catalog has been developed as a part of the integration of life science databases promoted by four ministries in Japan: the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT), The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW), the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF), and the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry of Japan (METI). |
Japanese Public Data Catalog | Japanese public data catalog | Data | Japanese Public Data Catalog is a search engine that provides a cross-search function for data catalogs supplied by local governments. The SIP NII consortium developed this search engine. |
Database of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research | KAKEN | Projects Articles Books |
KAKEN is a public database which archives the information on research projects funded by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). It includes the initial data at the time of adoption (adopted projects), summaries of research (research-status reports, annual research reports, and final research report summaries), final research reports and self-evaluation reports. The articles and books resulting from the project are registered as articles and book data, respectively. The Integbio Database Catalog is operated by National Bioscience Database Center (NBDC) at the Japan Science Technology Agency (JST). |
Database of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Researchers) | KAKEN(Researchers) | Researchers | KAKEN (Researchers) is created by mechanically integrating information on researchers and research results from researcher numbers and DOIs, using information contained mainly in KAKEN: Search Research Projects, and other databases including IRDB: Academic Repository Database, CiNii Articles, researchmap, and JaLC DOI. |
Materials Data Repository | MDR | Data | This is a data repository operated by National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) where you can search for research data and publications related to materials science. You can search using field-specific metadata. Incorporated via "IRDB - Institutional Repository Databas." |
PubMed | PubMed | Articles | A searchable resource for biomedical and life science literature developed and maintained by National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) at National Institutes of Health (NIH). Links to the Information on the relevant paper in PubMed are displayed using data recorded in external databases included in CiNii Research. |
Life Science Database Archive | LSDB | Data | Life Science Database Archive is a service operated by National Bioscience Database Center (NBDC) of Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) that allows users to search and download data sets produced by researchers in the life science field in Japan. |
ADS: Arctic Data archive System | NIPR-ADS | Data | ADS is a database operated by Arctic Environment Research Center that collects and publishes a wide variety of collects observation data and modeling products obtained by various Japanese research projects.ADS develops analysis and visualization Web services for integrated Big Data. |
National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR) Science Database | NIPR-ScienceDB | Data | This is a database operated by National Institute of Polar Research that publishes location information (metadata) in textual and numerical format regarding various scientific data obtained from research and survey activities in the polar regions, involving Antarctic research projects. |