Table of Contents
CiNii Research RDF Format Specification
You can obtain data in RDF/XML format by accessing the URI in the following format.<crid>.rdf (example:
It supports content negotiation, and returns RDF based on the HTTP header even if the RDF URI is not specified. In the details display screen (e.g., it directs to the URI of RDF if the specification of "application/rdf+xml" in the Accept field of the HTTP request header has a higher priority than any other specification.
Format Specification
No. | Item | RDF/XML | Multiplicity | Requirement | Notes | ||||||
1st level | 2nd level | 3rd level | 4th level | 5th level | 6th level | Attribute | |||||
0 | xml | 1 | Required | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> | |||||||
rdf:RDF | 1 | Required | Root element of the document <rdf:RDF xmlns="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:foaf="" xmlns:prism="" xmlns:datacite="" xmlns:ndl="" xmlns:cinii="" xmlns:jpcoar="" xmlns:dcndl="" > |
1 | Local Identifier | [Data type] | rdf:about | 1 | Required | <Article rdf:about="https://[domain]/crid/[localIdentifier].rdf"> | |||||
2 | Project Identifier | projectIdentifier | 0..n | ||||||||
Identifier Type | rdf:datatype | 1 | |||||||||
3 | Person Identifier | personIdentifier | 0..n | ||||||||
Identifier Type | rdf:datatype | 1 | |||||||||
4 | Product Identifier | productIdentifier | 0..n | ||||||||
identifier | |||||||||||
Identifier Type | rdf:datatype | 1 | |||||||||
Extension Items | extra | rdf:parseType | 0..n | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | |||||||
type | 1 | ||||||||||
value | 1 | ||||||||||
5 | Resource Type | resourceType | 1 | ||||||||
6 | Title | dc:title | <dc:title xml:lang="ja">Title</dc:title> If there is Kana, <dc:title xml:lang="ja-Kana">title(Kana)</dc:title> |
Title(Project) | jpcoar:awardTitle | 1..l | <jpcoar:awardTitle xml:lang="ja">Subject for study</dcterms:alternative> | ||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Alternative Title | dcterms:alternative | <dcterms:alternative xml:lang="ja" >alternative title</dcterms:alternative> | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
7 | Name | foaf:Person | rdf:parseType | 0..n | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | ||||||
Notation | foaf:name | ||||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Family Name | foaf:familyName | 0..l (l=Number of Languages) | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Given Name | foaf:givenName | 0..l (l=Number of Languages) | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Middle Name | foaf:middleName | 0..l (l=Number of Languages) | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
8 | Affiliation | career | rdf:parseType | 0..n | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | ||||||
Institution | institution | rdf:parseType | 0,1 | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | |||||||
Institution Identifier | institutionIdentifier | 0..n | |||||||||
Identifier Type | rdf:datatype | 1 | |||||||||
Notation | notation | 0..n | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Department | department | rdf:parseType | 0,1 | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | |||||||
Department Identifier | departmentIdentifier | 0..n | |||||||||
Identifier Type | rdf:datatype | 1 | |||||||||
Notation | notation | 0..n | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Job Title | jobTitle | rdf:parseType | 0,1 | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | |||||||
Job Title Identifier | jobTitleIdentifier | 0..n | |||||||||
Identifier Type | rdf:datatype | 1 | |||||||||
Notation | notation | 0..n | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Start Date | since | 0,1 | |||||||||
End Date | until | 0,1 | |||||||||
9 | Review Section / Research Field | field | rdf:parseType | 0..n | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | ||||||
Notation | notation | 0..n | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
10 | Language | dc:language | 0,1 | ||||||||
11 | Abstract | description | rdf:parseType | 0..n | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | ||||||
Abstract Type | type | 0,1 | |||||||||
Notation | notation | 1..n | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Abstract License Flag | abstractLicenseFlag | 0,1 | Set allow / disallow as value if value exists | ||||||||
12 | Researcher | researcher | 0..n (n=Number of Rresearchers) | ||||||||
Researcher | rdf:about | 1 | <Researcher rdf:about=""> | ||||||||
Person Identifier | personIdentifier | 0..n | |||||||||
Person Identifier Type | rdf:datatype | 1 | |||||||||
Name | name | 1..n | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Affiliation | affiliation | 0..n | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Role | role | 0,1 | |||||||||
13 | Start Date | since | 0,1 | ||||||||
14 | End Date | until | 0,1 | ||||||||
15 | Institution | institution | rdf:parseType | 1..l (l=Number of Languages) | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | ||||||
Institution Identifier | institutionIdentifier | 0..n | |||||||||
Identifier Type | rdf:datatype | 1 | |||||||||
Notation | notation | 0..n | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
16 | Funder Institution | funder | rdf:parseType | 0..n | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | ||||||
Funder Identifier | funderIdentifier | 0,1 | |||||||||
Identifier Type | rdf:datatype | 1 | |||||||||
Notation | notation | 0..n | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
17 | Author | creator | 0..n (n=Number of Aauthors) | ||||||||
Researcher | rdf:about | 1 | <Researcher rdf:about=""> | ||||||||
Person Identifier | personIdentifier | 0..n | |||||||||
Person Identifier Type | rdf:datatype | 1 | |||||||||
Name | foaf:name | 1..n | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Affiliation | jpcoar:affiliationName | 0..n | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Role | role | 0,1 | |||||||||
18 | Contributor | contributor | 0..n (n=Number of Ccontributors) | ||||||||
Researcher | rdf:about | 1 | <Researcher rdf:about=""> | ||||||||
Person Identifier | personIdentifier | 0..n | |||||||||
Person Identifier Type | rdf:datatype | 1 | |||||||||
Name | foaf:name | 1 | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Affiliation | jpcoar:affiliationName | 0..n | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Role | role | 0,1 | |||||||||
19 Journals | Journal | publication | rdf:parseType | 0,1 | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | ||||||
Journal Identifier | publicationIdentifier | 0..n | |||||||||
Identifier Type | rdf:datatype | 1 | |||||||||
Journal Title | prism:publicationName | 0..l (l=Number of Languages) | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Publisher | dc:publisher | 0..n | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Publication Date | prism:publicationDate | 0,1 | |||||||||
Volume | prism:volume | 0,1 | |||||||||
Number | prism:number | 0,1 | |||||||||
Start Page | prism:startingPage | 0,1 | |||||||||
End Page | prism:endingPage | 0,1 | |||||||||
Total Number of Pages | jpcoar:numPages | 0,1 | |||||||||
International Journal | foreign | 0,1 | |||||||||
International Joint Paper | jointInternationalResearch | 0,1 | |||||||||
Peer Review | reviewed | 0,1 | |||||||||
Open Access | dcterms:accessRights | 0,1 | |||||||||
20 Dissertations | Degree Award Number | ndl:dissertationNumber | 0,1 | ||||||||
Degree Award Date | ndl:dateGranted | 0,1 | |||||||||
Degree Title | ndl:degreeName | 0,1 | |||||||||
Degree-Granting Institution | degreeAwardInstitution | rdf:parseType | 0,1 | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | |||||||
Research Institute Identifier | institutionIdentifier | 0..n | |||||||||
Identifier Type | rdf:datatype | 1 | |||||||||
Notation | jpcoar:degreeGrantorName | 0..n | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
21 Presentations and Conference Proceedings |
Name of Conference | jpcoar:conferenceName | 0,1 | ||||||||
Place of Conference | jpcoar:conferencePlace | 0,1 | |||||||||
Period of Conference (Start Date) |
jpcoar:conferenceDate | jpcoar:startDay | 0,1 | E.g. <jpcoar:conferenceDate jpcoar:startDay="29" jpcoar:startMonth="02" jpcoar:startYear="2016" jpcoar:endDay="04" jpcoar:endMonth="03" jpcoar:endYear="2016" /> |
jpcoar:startMonth | 0,1 | ||||||||||
jpcoar:startYear | 0,1 | ||||||||||
jpcoar:endDay | 0,1 | ||||||||||
Period of Conference (End Date) |
jpcoar:endMonth | 0,1 | |||||||||
jpcoar:endYear | 0,1 | ||||||||||
Conference Organizer | jpcoar:conferenceSponsor | 0,1 | |||||||||
Invitation | invited | 0,1 | |||||||||
22 Books | Edition | prism:edition | 0,1 | ||||||||
Printing | printing | 0,1 | |||||||||
Publication Date | dc:date | 0,1 | Distinguish between publication year and publication date(prism:publicationDate) | ||||||||
dcterms:medium | rdf:parseType | 0,1 | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | ||||||||
General Material Designation Code | generalMaterialDesignationCode | 0,1 | |||||||||
Specific Material Designation Code | specificMaterialDesignationCode | 0,1 | |||||||||
Statement of Responsibility | dc:creator | 0,1 | |||||||||
Publication Country Code | publicationCountryCode | 0,1 | |||||||||
Bibliographic Information | dcterms:publisher | rdf:parseType | 0..n | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | |||||||
Publisher | dc:publisher | 0,1 | |||||||||
Publisher Role | cinii:publisherRole | 0,1 | Output 3 values below distribution manufacture production |
Place of Publication | publicationPlace | 0,1 | |||||||||
Notation Publication Date | prism:publicationDate | 0,1 | |||||||||
Classification | dc:subject | 0..n | |||||||||
Size | cinii:size | 0,1 | |||||||||
Number of Pages | dcterms:extent | 0,1 | |||||||||
Publication Status Code | publicationStatusCode | 0,1 | |||||||||
Publication Frequency Code | publicationPeriodicityCode | 0,1 | |||||||||
Publication Regularity Code | publicationRegularityCode | 0,1 | |||||||||
Periodical Type Code | serialsTypeCode | 0,1 | |||||||||
23 | Size | jpcoar:extent | 0..n | ||||||||
24 | Format | format | 0..n | ||||||||
25 | Version | datacite:version | 0,1 | ||||||||
26 | Copyright | dc:rights | 0..n | ||||||||
27 | URL | url | 0..n | ||||||||
rdf:Description | rdf:about | 1 | |||||||||
Notation | notation | 0..n | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
28 | Publication Date | createdAt | |||||||||
29 | Last Update Date | modifiedAt | |||||||||
30 | Keyword | foaf:topic | rdf:resource | 0..l (l=Total Number of textLists) | |||||||
Notation Strings | dc:title | 1 | |||||||||
Subject | dcterms:subject | rdf:parseType | 0,1 | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | |||||||
Subject Type Code | subjectScheme | 1 | |||||||||
Notation | notation | 1..l (l=Number of Languages) | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 1 | |||||||||
31 | Notes | cinii:note | 0..n | ||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
32 | Research Project | project | 0..n (n=Number of Projects) | ||||||||
Project | rdf:about | 1 | <Project rdf:about=""> | ||||||||
Project Identifier | projectIdentifier | 0..n | |||||||||
Identifier Type | rdf:datatype | 1 | |||||||||
Project Notation | notation | 1..l (l=Number of Languages) | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Role | role | 0,1 | |||||||||
33 | Related Research Project | relatedProject | 0..n | ||||||||
Project | rdf:about | 1 | |||||||||
Project Identifier | projectIdentifier | 0..n | |||||||||
Identifier Type | rdf:datatype | 1 | |||||||||
Relation to the Research | relationType | 0,1 | |||||||||
Project Notation | notation | 0..n | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
34 | Research Product | product | 0..n (n=Number of Products) | ||||||||
Data Type | [data type] | rdf:about | 1 | <Article rdf:about=""> | |||||||
Research Product Resource Type | resourceType | 1 | |||||||||
Research Product Identifier | productIdentifier | 0..n | |||||||||
Identifier Type | rdf:datatype | 1 | |||||||||
Research Product Notation | notation | 1..l (l=Number of Languages) | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Relation Type to Research Product | relation | rdf:parseType | 0..n | Only if it is a person | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | ||||||
type | 1 | ||||||||||
detail | 0..1 | ||||||||||
35 | Related Research Product | relatedProduct | 0..n | ||||||||
Data Type | [data type] | rdf:about | 1 | <Article rdf:about=""> | |||||||
Research Product Identifier | productIdentifier | 0..n | |||||||||
Identifier Type | rdf:datatype | 1 | |||||||||
Research Product Resource Type | resourceType | 1 | |||||||||
Relation to the Research Product | relationType | 1..n | |||||||||
Title | jpcoar:relatedTitle | 1..l (l=Number of Languages) | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
36 | Data Source Identifier | dataSourceIdentifier | 1..n(n=numer of integrated data) | ||||||||
Identifier Type | rdf:datatype | 1 | |||||||||
37 | Table of Contents | dcterms:tableOfContents | rdf:parseType | 0..l (l=Number of Languages) | |||||||
Language | language | 0,1 | |||||||||
Notation Strings | dcterms:title | 1..n (n=Number of Table of Contents Elements) | |||||||||
38 | Grant | grant | rdf:parseType | 0,1 | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | ||||||
Grant Identifier | grantIdentifier | 0..n | |||||||||
Identifier Type | rdf:datatype | 1 | |||||||||
Code value | (value) | 1 | |||||||||
Notation | jpcoar:fundingStream | 0..l | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Notation Strings | (value) | 1 | |||||||||
39 | Allocation Classification | allocationClassification | rdf:parseType | 0..n | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | ||||||
Notation | notation | 1..l | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 0,1 | |||||||||
Notation Strings | (value) | 1 | |||||||||
40 | Allocation Amount | allocationAmount | rdf:parseType | 0,1 | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | ||||||
Total Cost | totalCost | rdf:parseType | 1 | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | |||||||
Amount | amount | 1 | |||||||||
Unit | unit | 0,1 | |||||||||
Currency | currency | 1 | |||||||||
BreakdownCost | breakdownCost | rdf:parseType | 0..n | rdf:parseType="Resource"fixed | |||||||
Notation | notation | 1..l | |||||||||
Language | xml:lang | 1 | |||||||||
Notation Strings | (value) | 0,1 | |||||||||
Amount | amount | 1 | |||||||||
Unit | unit | 0,1 | |||||||||
Currency | currency | 1 |
Revision History
You can check revision history as follows.
Updated on December 2, 2024
Added No.22 "Publisher Role"
Updated on June 26, 2023
Added No.6 "Title(Project)", No.38~40
Updated on January 18, 2023
Deleted Title Type in Title and Alternative Title
Updated on August 23, 2022
Added Abstract License Flag
Updated on February 1, 2022
Changed the URL to reflect display language parameterization