Table of Contents
Query Specification
OpenSearch query in CiNii Research is in the following format. type)?(parameter=value)& (parameter=value)&…&(parameter=value)
Query example:
The search type and each parameter that comprises the query are as follows.
Item Name | Parameter | All | Data | Articles | Books | Dissertations | Projects | Availability of Boolean equation | Conditions for Multiple Entries (space or "," if specified in the notes) | Notes |
Search type | - | all | data | articles | books | dissertations | projects | |||
Application ID | appid | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | × | Unavailable | Required |
Response Format | format | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | × | Unavailable | Specify the output format. Select from the following 4 types of strings: html(default) rss atom json |
Search Result Language | lang | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | × | Unavailable | Specify the description language for output format ja(default) en |
Sort Order for Output | sortorder | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | × | Unavailable | 0:Publication year, Degree award year, Research start year:Newest 1:Publication year, Degree award year, Research start year:Oldest 4:Relevance(default) 10:Number of citations: Descending order (articles only) |
Number of Items per Page | count | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | × | Unavailable | Default=20, natural numbers from 1 to 200 20 if it is not a natural number or less than 0 200 If it is “above 201 If format = html”, convert the number of items displayed per page,The number of items displayed per page is rounded up to 20, 50, 100,and 200. 201 and above is 200 |
Start Number of the Search Result List | start | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | × | Unavailable | Natural number Other than that, Default=1 If it is “format = html”, convert to the number of screen pages start / (number of items per page) If there is excess, + 1 |
Free Word | q | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | AND | |
Researcher Name | creator | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | AND | |
Start Year | from | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | Unavailable | YYYY YYYYMM |
End Year | until | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | Unavailable | YYYY YYYYMM |
Format for Providing Actual Data | datasetFormat | ◯ | ◯ | OR | ||||||
With Full Text | hasLinkToFullText | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | × | Unavailable | Search by specifying “true” or “false”. Specify “true” if you wish to search for articles with full text. | |
Title Rroject Title |
title | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | AND | |
Exact Title Match | isFullTitle | - | - | - | ◯ | - | - | × | Unavailable | Search by specifying “true” or “false”. Specify “true” if you wish to perform an exact title match search. |
Author ID | researcherId | - | - | ◯ | ◯ | - | ◯ | × | OR | |
Affiliation | affiliation | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | - | - | ◯ | ◯ | AND | |
Publication Title | publicationTitle | - | ◯ | ◯ | - | - | - | ◯ | AND | |
ISSN | issn | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | - | - | × | OR | |
Volume | volume | - | ◯ | ◯ | - | - | - | × | Unavailable | |
No. | number | - | ◯ | ◯ | - | - | - | × | Unavailable | |
Pages | pages | - | ◯ | ◯ | - | - | - | × | Unavailable | If you enter "pages=x-y", it will search for "start page = x" OR "end page = y". If you enter "pages=ZZZ", it will search for pages whose start or end page is ZZZ. |
ISBN | isbn | - | - | - | ◯ | - | - | ◯ | OR | |
NCID | ncid | - | - | - | ◯ | - | - | ◯ | OR | |
Classification | category | - | - | - | ◯ | - | - | ◯ | OR | |
Notes / Abstract | description | - | - | - | ◯ | ◯ | - | ◯ | AND | |
Degree-Granting University | awardInstitution | - | - | - | - | ◯ | - | ◯ | AND | |
Degree Title | degree | - | - | - | - | ◯ | - | ◯ | AND | |
Degree Award Year | awardYear | - | - | - | - | ◯ | - | × | Unavailable | YYYY YYYYMM When "from" and "until" are specified together, this parameter will be ignored. |
Publisher | publisher | - | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | - | - | ◯ | AND | |
Project / Area Number | projectId | - | - | - | - | - | ◯ | × | OR | |
DOI | doi | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | - | ◯ | - | × | OR | |
Data Source Type | dataSourceType | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | × | Unavailable | The following character strings: Separate multiple items with ",". KAKEN(KAKEN) JALC(Japan Link Center) IRDB CROSSREF(Crossref) DATACITE(DataCite) CID(CiNii Dissertations) CIB(CiNii Books) SSJDA(SSJ Data Archive) NINJAL(National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) IDR(Informatics Research Data Repository) DBPEDIA(DBpedia) RUDA(Rikkyo University Data Archive) |
Language Type | languageType | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | × | OR | Specify with ISO-639-1 Separate multiple items with "," E.g.) When searching in Japanese, English, or Chinese languageType=ja,en,zh |
Resource Type | resourceType | - | ◯ | ◯ | ◯ | - | - | × | OR | The following character strings: Separate multiple items with "," conference pape data paper departmental bulletin paper editorial journal article newspaper periodical review article software paper article journal_article book Audiovisua Collection Dataset Event Image InteractiveResource Model PhysicalObject Service Software Sound Text Workflow Other journal |
Research and Development ProgramType | rdProgramType | ◯ | ◯ | - | - | - | ◯ | × | OR | The following character strings: Separate multiple items with "," MOONSHOT(Moonshot Research and Development Program) |
Response Specifications
You can select the response format from RSS, Atom, JSON-LD and HTML in the query.
You can use cross-domain asynchronous communication by specifying "Access-Control-Allow-Origin:*" in the http header of the response.
RSS1.0 Response Format Specification
No. | Tag Name | Requirement | Contents | Notes | |||||
First level | Second level | Third level | Fourth level | Fifth level | Attribute | ||||
1 | xml | Required | Declares that it is an XML document | ||||||
2 | rdf:RDF | Required | Root element of the document | For xml:lang attribute describes the language to be returned. Describe the following character strings for attributes other than xml: lan | |||||
3 | |||||||||
4 | xmlns | xmlns="" | |||||||
5 | xmlns:rdf | xmlns:rdf="" | |||||||
6 | xmlns:rdfs | xmlns:rdfs="" | |||||||
7 | xmlns:dc | xmlns:dc="" | |||||||
8 | xmlns:prism | xmlns:prism="" | |||||||
9 | xmlns:ndl | xmlns:ndl="" | |||||||
10 | xmlns:opensearch | xmlns:opensearch="" | |||||||
11 | xmlns:cir | xmlns:cir="" | |||||||
12 | xml:lang | xml:lang=”ja”> | |||||||
13 | channel | rdf:about | Required | Requested URI | The URI of this search request. URL-encode the query and output it in the "variable name = value" format. Link it with "& amp;". appid will b removed from the parameter. | ||||
14 | itle | Required | Title | "CiNii Research" and search type linked with query and "200 0 rss". E.g. <title>CiNii Research all - Taro Kokujo 200 0 rss</title> |
15 | description | Required | Title | Same as the title | |||||
16 | link | Required | Required URI | The URI of this search request. URL-encode the query and output it in the "variable name = value" format. Link it with "& amp;". appid is removed from the parameter. | |||||
17 | dc:date | Required | Date and time the search was performed | W3CDTF notation | |||||
18 | opensearch:totalResults | Required | Total number of search results | ||||||
19 | opensearch:startIndex | Required | Start number | Display which data in the search results is described from. | |||||
20 | opensearch:itemsPerPage | Required | Number of results | Display how many search results are included in the response. | |||||
21 | items | Required | |||||||
22 | rdf:Seq | Required | |||||||
23 | rdf:li | rdf:resource | Required | Detail page URI | List the permalinks to search results in the response. Repeat for up to the number of opensearch:itemsPerPage. | ||||
24 | item | rdf:about | Required | Detailed information (Detail page URI) | Repeat up to the number of opensearch:itemsPerPage. Describe the permalink in rdf:about. | ||||
25 | title | Required | Author name Title |
26 | link | Required | Detail page URI | Display permalink of the detail page |
27 | rdfs:seeAlso | rdf:resource | Required | RDF URI | Display RDF URI (except for appid parameter) <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="" /> |
28 | dc:creator | Required | Author name | ||||||
29 | dc:publisher | Publisher For dissertations, the name of the degree-granting university. |
30 | dc:type | Required | Data type | ||||||
31 | prism:publicationName | Publication name | |||||||
32 | prism:issn | ISSN | |||||||
33 | prism:volume | Volume | |||||||
34 | prism:number | Number | |||||||
35 | prism:startingPage | Start page | |||||||
36 | prism:endingPage | End page | |||||||
37 | prism:pageRange | Page | |||||||
38 | prism:publicationDate | Publication date | W3CDTF notation | ||||||
39 | description | Abstract | |||||||
39 | abstractLicenseFlag | Abstract License Flag | Set allow / disallow as value if value exists. | ||||||
40 | dc:identifier | Identifier | |||||||
41 | rdf:datatype | Identifier type | |||||||
42 | (value) | Code value of the identifier | |||||||
43 | dc:subject | Keyword | |||||||
44 | ndl:degreeName | Required if any | Degree title | ||||||
45 | ndl:dissertationNumber | Required if any | Degree award number | ||||||
46 | dc:date | Required | Degree award date | ||||||
47 | dc:source | Required if any | Description related to the text link | E.g. <dc:source rdf:resource="" dc:title="NDL Digital Collection"/> |
48 | rdf:resource | Required if any | URL of the page publishing the full-text | ||||||
49 | dc:title | Data source name |
Atom1.0 Response Format Specification
No. | Tag Name | Requirement | Contents | Notes | |||||
First level | Second level | Third level | Fourth level | Fifth level | Attribute | ||||
1 | xml | Required | Declares that it is an XML document | ||||||
2 | feed | Required | Root element of the document | For xml:lang attribute, describes the language to be returned. Describe the following character strings for attributes other than xml:lan. | |||||
3 | |||||||||
4 | xmlns | xmlns="" | |||||||
5 | xmlns:rdf | xmlns:rdf="" | |||||||
6 | xmlns:rdfs | xmlns:rdfs="" | |||||||
7 | xmlns:dc | xmlns:dc="" | |||||||
8 | xmlns:prism | xmlns:prism="" | |||||||
9 | xmlns:ndl | xmlns:ndl="" | |||||||
10 | xmlns:opensearch | xmlns:opensearch="" | |||||||
11 | xmlns:cir | xmlns:cir="" | |||||||
12 | xml:lang | xml:lang=”ja”> | |||||||
13 | title | Required | Feed title | "CiNii Research" and search type linked with query and "200 0 atom". E.g. <title>CiNii Research all - Taro Kokujo 200 0 atom</title> |
14 | link | href | Required | URL for searching equivalent content in HTML | |||||
15 | link | rel | Required | Relationship to the referenced document | Fixed value (self) | ||||
16 | type | Required | MIME type of the referenced document | Fixed value (application/atom+xm) | |||||
17 | href | Required | Requested URI | The URI of this search request. URL-encode the query and output it in the "variable name = value" format. Link it with "&". appid will be removed from the parameter. | |||||
18 | id | Required | Requested URI | Same as the link element | |||||
19 | updated | Required | Date and time the search was performed | W3CDTF notation | |||||
20 | dc:date | Required | Date and time the search was performed | W3CDTF notation | |||||
21 | opensearch:totalResults | Required | Total number of search results | ||||||
22 | opensearch:startIndex | Required | Start number | Display which data in the search results is described from. | |||||
23 | opensearch:itemsPerPage | Required | Number of results | Display how many search results are included in the response. | |||||
24 | entry | Required | Container to store the search results | Repeat up to the number of opensearch:itemsPerPage. | |||||
25 | title | Required | Title | ||||||
26 | link | href | Required | Detail page URI | Display URI permalink. <link href=""/> |
27 | link | rel | Required | Relationship to the referenced document | Fixed value(alternate) | ||||
28 | type | Required | MIME type of the referenced document | Fixed value (application/rdf+xml) | |||||
29 | href | Required | RDF URI | Display the URI for detailed RDF href="" |
30 | id | Required | Detail Page URI | Display the permalink of the detail page <id></id> |
31 | author | Required | Description of the authors | List them all if there is than one. | |||||
32 | name | Required | Author name | ||||||
33 | dc:publisher | Required | Publisher | ||||||
34 | dc:type | Required | Data type | ||||||
35 | prism:publicationName | Publication Name | |||||||
36 | prism:issn | ISSN | |||||||
37 | /td> | prism:volume< | Volume | ||||||
38 | prism:number | Number | |||||||
39 | prism:startingPage | Start page | |||||||
40 | prism:endingPage | End page | |||||||
41 | prism:pagePange | Page | |||||||
42 | prism:publicationDate | Publication date | W3CDTF notation | ||||||
43 | content | Abstract | |||||||
44 | abstractLicenseFlag | Abstract License Flag | Set allow / disallow as value if value exists. | ||||||
45 | type | Fixed value (text) | |||||||
46 | dc:identifier | ||||||||
47 | rdf:datatype | ||||||||
48 | (value) | ||||||||
49 | dc:subject | Keyword | |||||||
50 | ndl:degreeName | ||||||||
51 | ndl:dissertationNumber | ||||||||
52 | dc:date | ||||||||
53 | dc:source | Required if any | Description related to the text link | E.g. <dc:source rdf:resource="" dc:title="NDL Digital Collection"/> |
54 | rdf:resource | Required if any | URL of the page publishing the full text/td> | ||||||
55 | dc:title | Required if any | Data source name |
JSON-LD Response Format Specification
No. | Tag Name | Multiplicity | Type | Requirement | Contents | Notes | ||||
First level | Second level | Third level | Fourth level | Fifth level | Attribute | |||||
1 | @context | 1 | Object | Required | Root element of the document | "@context": { "@vocab": "" "rdf": "" "rdfs": "" "dc": "" "prism": "" "ndl":"" "opensearch": "" "cir":"" "@language": "ja" }, |
2 | @vocab | 1 | Required | | ||||||
3 | rdf | 1 | Required | | ||||||
4 | rdfs | 1 | Required | | ||||||
5 | dc | 1 | Required | | ||||||
6 | prism | 1 | Required | | ||||||
7 | ndl | 1 | Required | | ||||||
8 | opensearch | 1 | Required | | ||||||
9 | cir | 1 | Required | | ||||||
10 | @language | 1 | ||||||||
11 | @id | 1 | Required | Requested URI | "CiNii Research" and search type linked with query and "200 0 json" E.g. <title>CiNii Research all - Taro Kokujo "200 0 json"</title> |
12 | @type | 1 | Required | Same as the title | ||||||
13 | title | 1 | Required | title | "CiNii Research" and search type concatenated with query and "200 0 json". Example:<title>CiNii Research all - Taro Kokujo 200 0 json</title> |
14 | description | 1 | Required | title | Same content as title | |||||
15 | link | 1 | object | Required | ||||||
16 | @id | 1 | Required | Requested URI | The URI of this search request. URL-encode the query and output it in the "variable name = value" format. appid will be removed from the parameter. | |||||
17 | dc:date | 1 | Required | Date and time the search was performed | W3CDTF notation | |||||
18 | opensearch:totalResults | 1 | Required | Total number of search results | ||||||
19 | opensearch:startIndex | 1 | Start numbe | Display which data in the search results is described from. | ||||||
20 | opensearch:itemsPerPage | 1 | Number of results | Display how many search results are included in the response. | ||||||
21 | items | 1..n | array | |||||||
22 | @id | 1 | Detail page URI | Display the detail page permalink. | ||||||
23 | @type | 1 | ||||||||
24 | title | 1 | Author name title |
25 | link | 1 | object | |||||||
26 | @id | 1 | Detail page URI | Display the permalink of the detail pageDisplay "link": {"@id":""} |
27 | rdfs:seeAlso | 1 | object | |||||||
28 | @id | 1 | JSON-LD URI | Display JSON-LD URI (except appid parameter). "rdfs:seeAlso":{"@id":""} |
29 | dc:creator | 0..n | array | Required | Author name | |||||
30 | dc:publisher | 1 | Publisher For dissertations, the name of the degree-granting university. |
31 | dc:type | 1 | Required | Data type | ||||||
32 | prism:publicationName | 1 | Publication name | |||||||
33 | prism:ISSN | 1 | ISSN | |||||||
34 | prism:volume | 1 | Volume | |||||||
35 | prism:number | 1 | Number | |||||||
36 | prism:startingPage | 1 | Start page | |||||||
37 | prism:endingPage | 1 | End page | |||||||
38 | prism:pageRange | 1 | Page | |||||||
39 | prism:publicationDate | 1 | Publication date | W3CDTF notation | ||||||
40 | description | 1 | Abstract | |||||||
41 | abstractLicenseFlag | 0,1 | Abstract License Flag | Set allow / disallow as value if value exists. | ||||||
42 | dc:identifier | 0..n | Identifier | |||||||
43 | @type | 1 | Identifier type | |||||||
44 | @value | 1 | Identifier code value | |||||||
45 | dc:subject | 0..n | Keyword | |||||||
46 | ndl:degreeName | 1 | Required if any | Degree title | ||||||
47 | ndl:dissertationNumber | 1 | Required if any | Degree award number | ||||||
48 | dc:date | 1 | Degree award date | |||||||
49 | dc:source | 0..n | array | |||||||
50 | @id | 1 | Required | URL of the page publishing the full text | ||||||
51 | dc:title | 1 | Required | Data source name |
Revision History
You can check the revision history as follows.
Updated on December 9, 2024
The query specifications have been changed as follows.Support for "Start Year (from)" and "End Year (until)" for dissertations.Added text to "awardYear" Notes.Delete "CID (CiNii Dissertations)" from "Data Source Type" Notes, Added "NDL_SEARCH".
Updated on July 24, 2023
Added "Research and Development ProgramType" to the query specification.
Updated on August 23, 2022
Added "abstractLicenseFlag" to the response format.
Updated on October 26, 2021
Added "prism: issn" to the response format.